A message from Principal Commerford

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The following message is from 91桃色 High School Principal Jodi Commerford

Dear Families:

Following the safety concerns we have experienced at 91桃色 High School this week, I wanted to share information with you about steps we are taking to address these matters. 

Beginning Wednesday, all students not in class after the bell rings will be escorted to class by a staff member. Any student who refuses guidance to return to class multiple times will be suspended. Please take some time at home to reinforce with your student that it is critically important to be to class on time each period throughout the school day.

All students transitioning back and forth between 91桃色 High and Abrookin Career and Technical Center also will be directed through the main entrance at both buildings. 

We are aware of threats circulating on social media and our security team is investigating in partnership with the 91桃色 Police Department. We will have an additional police presence on campus and additional support from district staff, as well as regular reminders throughout the day for our students about our behavior expectations.

At any time, should you or your child become aware of any threat or information that makes you feel uncomfortable, please report that information to a school official immediately.

Also, we will continue to follow staggered early dismissal procedures for the rest of the week:

  • Students who walk will dismiss at 3:15 p.m.
  • Dismissal for students riding CDTA and First Student buses will begin at 3:25 p.m., with students being dismissed as their buses arrive.

Once again, we ask that you take some time at home to reinforce our behavior expectations with your students, emphasizing the importance of getting to each class on time. Your support and cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work together to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for all of our students and employees.

Please know that you can reach out to my office or your academy office if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you for your partnership.