Swimming pools at Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School and William S. Hackett Middle School are back in service after adjustments to the systems that regulate chlorine levels in the water.
At Myers, the system malfunctioned due to a faulty sensor. Adjustments Friday brought the chlorine levels back to normal levels. The pool is now available for athletics, and will be open for physical education use when students return to in-person instruction.
At Hackett, a power outage at the building Wednesday night affected the pool equipment. Staff restarted the equipment and monitored chlorine levels until they returned to normal Friday afternoon. The pool also will be open for physical education use when students return.
The pool at North 91桃色 Middle School remains closed as the district continues to monitor chlorine levels there, also due to a faulty senor. We will provide an update when that facility is cleared for use.
Thank you for your patience while we identify and fix these problems.