News and events - 11/4/24

Weekly update from Principal Paolino

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Happy November!

It is hard to believe November is here, which immediately brings to mind the elections, daylight savings, honoring our veterans and giving thanks for the good things in life while also remembering to serve others in the community. It also means the holiday hustle and bustle is just around the corner! Tuesday, tomorrow, is Election Day, and participating in elections is one of our key freedoms. Regardless of what we believe or who we support, it is important to exercise our rights and take the time tomorrow to let our voice be heard by casting our vote.

On a lighter note, National Cinnamon Day, the spice that warms up the season, was last Friday. National 91桃色made Bread Day, a day set aside to encourage families to bake together, is on Sunday, Nov, 17, and National Gingerbread Cookie Day, a day to celebrate the flavor of gingerbread in all of its forms is on Thursday, Nov. 21!

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween and took an opportunity to rest and recharge over the weekend given the extra hour of sleep! November is one of our shorter months , and between Veterans Day and Thanksgiving recess, we have much to do in the 18 days of instruction this month. Last Friday's Halloween Teen Night was a huge success, and students clearly had a great evening with their fellow students, teachers and school community. We look forward to our next Teen Night coming on Friday, March 7.

The November PTA meeting will take place this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Room 112. For those faculty/staff, as well as parents, who are unable to attend the meeting in person, may join us at .  

This week, we return to our Friday 'Fun Day' with a Team Color Day theme. Students and staff will represent their grade level by wearing their team color: grade 6=blue, grade 7=white, grade 8=yellow/gold. We will continue to celebrate each Friday in a different way in order to add a little fun and show our school spirit. This is a great way to build healthy relationships and look forward to the weekend.  

The first quarter ends this Friday, Nov. 8. Please make sure you child stays up to day with classroom assignments.

Fallen Chandelier Productions will hold performances for "SIX the Musical" starting this week. Shows are Nov. 8, 9, 15 and 16 in our auditorium at 8 p.m., and . This is the teen version and is rated PG. Our cast is comprised of students from Hackett, 91桃色 School of Humanities, North 91桃色 Middle School, Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School and 91桃色 High School, as well as students from other area schools.

Signups for modified winter sports continue. . Be sure to contact our health office at (518) 475-6482 to make sure your child meets the proper physical exam requirements. Please note that informational meeting that was scheduled for this Wednesday at 91桃色 High School has been postposed; stay tuned for a new date.  

We continue to accept applications for our Extended Day Program, and we hope to encourage more students to enrich their afternoons by signing up! Applications are available at the attendance desk in the main foyer. Programs include swimming, cooking, judo, cosmetology, dance, arts and crafts, yearbook and more! The after-school program takes place Monday through Thursday from 3-5:15 p.m. and includes a free snack and free door-to-door transportation home. Completed forms should be returned to the guidance office, and any specific questions should be directed to Ms. Lewis at dlewis2@albany.k12.ny.usThe program will run through Friday, June 13.

Hackett Middle School continues its fire drill emergency response procedures. Holding practice drills is crucial to our overall emerngecy planning, and we will continue to conduct planned drills.

Speed cameras are in operation on Delaware Avenue near Hackett and Thomas O'Brien Academy of Science and Technology (TOAST). The city has switched from warning letters to $50 fines, so please observe the 20-mph school zone speed limit and help keep our students saftYou can visit our website to read more.

Now for our 'Don't Snooze and Lose News' 

  • There will be no school on Monday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans Day.
  • School picture retakes are scheduled for the morning of Friday, Nov. 15.
  • There will be no school Wednesday, Nov. 27-Friday, Nov. 29 for Thanksgiving Recess.
  • Our December PTA meeting will be held Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Our first-quarter Honor Roll Ceremony will be held Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 8:30 a.m. in our auditorium.