The following message is from City School District of 91ÌÒÉ« Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams:
We are heartened by that COVID-19 restrictions are lifted statewide in most circumstances as 70% of New Yorkers aged 18 or older have received at least the first dose of their COVID-19 vaccination series.
This is welcome news after 15 challenging months in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
However, the governor also indicated Tuesday that COVID-19 protocols remain unchanged for New York schools. The City School District of 91ÌÒÉ« will continue to follow all health and safety guidelines currently in place. This includes wearing masks inside all district buildings for all individuals – whether or not you are vaccinated – as well as social distancing.
Wearing a mask outdoors remains optional on school grounds.
Thank you for your continued commitment to the health and safety of every individual in our school community.